For Every Goddess...

You work so hard, taking care of your family, your job, your home,
and everything that matters to you, defines you, and fills your day. But who is
taking care of you?

For years I took care of everyone but myself. Then one day I saw my stress
lines...lines that told the story of years of dropping the kids off at school,
and rushing to make it to work on time. Watching them grow into beautiful adults,
and then having to learn the hardest lesson of take a step back and
let them soar.

I enjoy going to facials, who doesn't? The feeling you have when you walk out of the salon is so wonderful. But I wanted to be able to experience this feeling daily, so I go and buy all these cream products that are sometimes available, and later discontinue, or most importantly, not be allergic to the ingredients and perfumes. That’s why I created La Dea, the Goddess. To help smooth out the stress
lines, and give a chance to the sweeter lines made by smiles that reach those
beautiful eyes. A skin care system that requires five products daily to keep the elasticity and smoothness of your eyes and face, and two products every other week to keep your skin looking smooth and young.

Fellow Goddess, it’s time for you to shine too.

You are strong, you are are an absolute Goddess! And La Dea is here to help with your skincare needs.

  • What makes La Dea so wonderful?

    La Dea's skincare is made from wholesome ingredients, inspired by my travels through countries such as Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, and Egypt. My products are produced in Canada, with a brilliant team who care deeply about sourcing our ingredients. Read more here about what goes into La Dea, for the goddess in you!